BDI launches paper on Deep Sea Mining

Deep Sea Mining is a controversial issue - while supporters see the benefits of picking and scratching raw materials from seabeds, opponents fear that fragile ecoystems could be harmed in doing so. Research covering all reated fields is conducted since several decades, while mining activities are still in the stage of protoype deployments.
Scarcity in raw materials as well as growing demands due to electrification is driving a new wave of deep sea mining activities round the globe. Germany's industry, leading in sustainable mining technologies and setting high standards regarding environment protection, can contribute to a growing sector of underwater mineral extraction by delivering equipment and machinery.
The BDI calls for clear political support of all acctivities along the raw materials value-add chain and to allow - by stable political conditions - companies to increase their activities in this particular field. To secure high environmental standards globally by processes, equipment, and machines «Made in Germany» it is necessary to move from research to industrialization.
Full text and contacts available at the BDI homepage.