Deep Sea Sampling during Freibergs «Lange Nacht der Wissenschaft und der Wirtschaft»

Visitors and IMB members at the IMB Pavillon during 2024 Lange Nacht der Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft in Freiberg

It's an impressive show during nighttime, when everything in Freiberg is brightly illuminated and crowds of visitor are pushing through the cramped Schlossplatz to gain impression from what is going on in science and research in Freiberg. The «Lange Nacht der Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft» is held every second year, and is a good opportunity for everybody interested in these topics to see what's happening here. 

The IMB members showed our progress in Deep Sea Sampling inside the IMB Pavillon, where a prototype cutter wheel in 1:1 dimension drew interest of the wider public. Discussions with visitors went around the general necessity of deep sea mining, massive sulfide copper minerals, and latest technologiy developments.